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Saturday, May 26, 2012

What is a Success?

How do you define success?
Is it about having a lot of money? How much then?
Is it about having a big house? How big?
Is it about traveling around the world? Which parts of the world?

There is no limit and no end when you define success that way.
You may then find achieving success as a never-ending, stress-driven journey.

I came across this interesting quote from Albert Einstein.

"Try not to become a man of success, but rather rather try to become a man of value".

 What does it mean to you?
Yes, it means differently to different people.

But for me... means that one must not use any means to gain success.
One must not forget the importance of virtue in achieving his goals.
Success is more of holding up to the values we believe in.

So....success for me is about honesty, integrity, sincerity, determination, and helping others.
And I am still on my way there.